Tuesday 29 November 2011

Is it best to keep franchising in the family?

I am often asked what the ideal candidate is for running one of our catering franchises. In terms of personality, it’s someone who is self motivated, disciplined, positive, cares about delivering to high standards and is passionate about customer service.

But increasingly the evidence suggests the ideal ‘candidate’ is not one person but two. Our most successful food franchises so far are those run by married couples and business partnerships, and we are increasingly finding that prospective franchisees are couples rather than individuals.

Franchise owners – rather than business managers – have a vested interest in the success of their business. They are more likely to pour their heart, sweat and tears into it because it is their livelihood: their investment and their family’s future. That dedication and focus increases when you have a franchise partnership. One of our food franchises has worked so well as a family business that they are looking to open a second, run by their enterprising 21 year old daughter! Another had a 30% increase in sales after bringing a partner on board.

According to the annual NatWest/British Franchise Association survey, no fewer than one-in-four franchises in this country are owned by couples. There are many benefits: couples and partnerships often find that there is a natural split in workload, with one person gravitating towards sales and growth, and the other focusing on operations. Being able to bounce ideas and keep each others’ ‘emotions’ in check also really helps. As does knowing each others’ strengths and challenges – and not being ashamed to admit the challenges! There is also the implicit trust between couples and partnerships, with the ability to rely on each other, even if things become tough.

The downside? Well all married couples or partnerships have stresses and strains on their relationship! But ‘bringing work home’ takes on a whole different meaning as challenges are solved, ideas shared and future plans built together.

That’s not to say that dedicated, talented individuals can’t make a great success of a franchise – but we’ve found with our catering franchise, that partnerships are an advantage.

Nathan Siekierski
Jasper’s Catering Franchise Ltd