Monday 12 December 2011

What do 500 BC and 2012 have in common?

The outlook for the UK - and the world - economy is pretty dire and you can guarantee that lots of businesses will be taken under next year due to the environmental economics. You can also guarantee that there will be some businesses out there that flourish, increase their market share and profits, and go on to generate a fortune.

So what is the big differentiator between the two groups? One will have people with negative, dull, non-creative, non-passionate, reactive, non-marketing and non-sales attitudes ‘leading’ the business and the other will have the complete opposite.

One thing I have learnt in my 10 years in business is if you sit and wait you will be taken under. Sitting still in business is NOT an option, even in the best economic times, but in 2012 it will likely be fatal. The philosopher Heraclitus said: "You cannot step into the same river twice, for fresh waters are ever flowing in upon you." This was taken from his theory of flux published around 500 BC. He claimed that everything that exists is in a state of flux, change, movement or momentum.

Would a philosopher from 500 BC be able to walk into your business and be sure of its existence as a dynamic moving force?

Think about stagnant things – whether waters, minds, people or businesses – they are almost all dead or at best snoozing and like the infamous 1980’s slogan says: ‘you snooze, you lose’

The reality is that in 2012 you need to ramp up your sales and marketing activity and underpin it with product and service innovations that demonstrate you are moving, progressive, dynamic and that you have the strategy to ensure you are going to exist in the future. If you don’t do this, your business will likely end up just like Heraclitus – DEAD.

Nathan Siekierski
Jasper's Catering Franchise Ltd