Tuesday 10 January 2012

From Nietzsche to Noah (and the Whale)

A philosophical start to 2012's blog! Brace yourself.

“What if a demon were to creep after you one night, in your loneliest loneliness, and say, 'This life which you live must be lived by you once again and innumerable times more'" - Friedrich Nietzsche

Profound stuff from the German philosopher. Ok so hopefully you don’t believe in demons as such, but Nietzsche raises an important point: what if you did have to live this life over again and again, repeating every single act time after time? Could you honestly say you would be happy, more importantly that you had made the most of it?

I know I, like everyone else, have wasted many a day forgetting or not appreciating the great things I have in my life. But as I get older (and hopefully wiser) I am doing my best to do the opposite more and more.

The point is, as far as we know, we only get one shot at this life. If you don’t want that common regret on your last day on this planet, of ‘I wish I’d done more of the things I wanted to do’ then there is no time like the present! Crack on with the things you want to do as opposed to things you are expected to do or think you should do to meet the expectations of others or of society!

We should all look in a mirror and say to ourselves ‘One day I will be dead'. Don’t treat it as a morbid thought, treat it as a statement to inspire you to do great things with your life, to chase and fulfill your dreams, make a difference, build a legacy, do something different...to say to Nietzsche's demon: "Bring it on!'

The lyrics of Noah and the Whale's LIFEGOESON song sum it up perfectly:

"On my last night on earth,
I'll pay a high price,
To have no regrets, and be done with my life"

Nathan Siekierski
Jasper's Catering Franchise Ltd