Tuesday 6 March 2012

The new heroes of the modern world

Last week British Prime Minister, David Cameron, described business as the "most powerful force for social progress the world has ever known" as he championed the role that firms play in their communities.

I echo that, but what was missing from Cameron's speech was ‘potentially’. The reason I say this is because a large proportion of business owners don’t seem to recognize this and if they do, their behavior doesn’t demonstrate it.

The wealth creating sector providing money for the voluntary, 'first' / 'third' sector is NOT what I am talking about. The real power that comes from owning a business is the magnetic influence that the business and its owner has over their employees, peers, family, friends and the next generation.

History has taught us that trying to ‘force’ social progress normally ends in disaster - governments legislating for social progress is slow at best, businesses trying to construct social progress for profit again falls short and normally is followed by the largest crashes. The real way to look at social progress is to inspire and liberate, to build confidence, belief and self reliance. Encouraging and inspiring people to provide for themselves and their family - 'teaching them how to fish' - is one of the greatest gifts you can give.

Business can give society dreams to follow, demonstrate that anything can be achieved with self reliance. Let children, friends, families and communities see that when you have a dream - when you put your mind and body to it - you can become anything you focus on through creating your own business.

Take heed those business owners that don’t achieve what you should, those that are always on the negative, the nihilistic. You are taking part in malpractice, you are damaging the dreams of future generations, you are stealing their light by taking your business into dark corners where big spiders live, you are acting unbelievably selfishly. STOP and start accepting responsibility and start DOING what you should do which is to become successful through you business.

Liberate a generation from feeling that unless they work for someone else, there is no life. You can stop people condemning themselves in many cases to a life focused on retirement with day after day in a job they despise.

If you own a business, if you own a franchise, you have a duty to the community around you, to your peers, to your friends and family and to future generations to demonstrate gratitude for the opportunity you have at your finger tips. Take charge of it and ride it headfirst at pace into a position of success.

Business owners, franchise owners and the self employed, you are the new heroes of the modern world, pick up your arms and succeed!