Thursday 25 October 2012

We are all chimps

I have been reading ‘The Chimp Paradox’ by Dr Steve Peters. My wife bought the book for me as she knows I have a significant interest in simian behavior present in human beings. I often refer to fellow humans as chimpanzees in clothing. This isn't necessarily a negative comment it is merely a recognition that us human beings have a part of us that is very chimp-like, a part of our brain that functions in a chimp fashion and this sometimes gets us into real trouble! The chimp brain is primarily fast, powerful and dominant especially when stress and risk are in business you meet and see a lot of chimpanzees in suits!

As stated in the book, which Sir Chris Hoy gives credit to for contributing to his Olympic success, the trick is to recognize, accept and manage your inner chimp. Most people don’t even recognize the chimp inside and stay at its very powerful and reactive mercy – you will recognize these people as they will be highly emotional, negative, reactionary, defensive and even paranoid.

The good news is that you also have a very human part of your brain, a more rational, reasonable and factual element, that when applied fully can, and will, help improve your experience in life and the world. You can be less reactive, measure with facts, look at specifics and be more in control – which is what is required for business success.

It’s up to you if you want to stay up in the trees picking at flees ie keep blaming the world, reacting and fighting because you feel vunerable and paranoid. Or you can come down to the ground and find your human side.

I would encourage you to get the book 'The Chimp Paradox'. It’s a great read and you will start looking at the people you know and asking are they behaving more like a chimp or a human? And remember the old chimp saying: ‘Oooooo ooooo aghhhhh aghhhh Oooooo Ooooo'!