Wednesday 9 January 2013

New Year message

I received an email recently about the main recent people don’t achieve their goals, the specific reference was to weight initially and then moved on to business. The reality is that the vast majority of people will not achieve their goals in 2013 -  that is simply a fact.

Most business owners will get nowhere near their targets, just like last year and the year before. Unless of course they set such low, uninspiring and pathetic targets that a limping mole in a padlocked box could achieve them (believe me some people would rather see a reduction in their business so that they can inflate their ego by saying, ‘Look at me, I am right again’)

So if you are reading this, you are probably thinking, or more likely hoping, that I am going to give you the answer to achieving your goals. Well I could recommend some things but there would be no point because YOU have already decided what does and doesn’t work… and the best part is you have made these decisions based on almost no mathematical or scientific proof whatsoever. You have based everything on historical behavior that was conceived through emotional experiences which has led you to this cycle of behavior. Ouch! How dare I say such things?

Try not to take offence, it happens like this because you are a human being, not because you are a bad person (although you might be!)

When we were walking around the plains of Africa avoiding predators this emotional behavior driver worked really well for us - it made us highly reactive, it kept us alive.

In business though it is the single reason why so many people fail to achieve their goals. I can tell you exactly what works, at what rate you should apply it and with what attitude you should undertake the activity… but whether you follow my instructions (that are based on scientific measurements and maths) is a different matter, in fact I am almost certain you won't.

It is the degree to which you veer off a path that determines how lost you end up. The message is simple: if you want to get to your destination and someone gives you a map with the right road to follow, you should take it! Don’t be surprised if, when you turn left when you should have turned right,  that you end up somewhere different than you wanted to.

Happy New year and see you January 2014 when we can have the same conversation! ;-)