Tuesday 18 December 2012

Christmas wishes?

Christmas is the time of year for remembering, giving, and good will to all men and women… well these are the kind of things I think we are still desperately trying to hang on to and believe. Christmas is actually, for most people, challenging to say the least: expensive, stressful, fattening and exhausting!

But we are approaching the end of another year which gives us a chance to think about what on earth we have been up to over the past 12 months. How is it that in most cases we are still standing on the same spot as last year? 

The trouble is most people don’t really get to the bottom of why that is and say things like:

“In the New Year I’m going to…. [Insert lots of promises that won’t get fulfilled]

Before they know it, the end of January is here and the opportunity for a fresh start, doing something more exciting, challenging, adventurous and fulfilling, is again slipping away.

So what is the answer…? Well the trick is to make a resolution today and not in January, to use the Christmas break to reflect and ask yourself some really tough and exciting questions about what you want, what you really deserve and the very specific steps and very specific people who can help you get there…then step across that line and get on with taking the action.

Enjoy the Christmas break and use this rare time to make 2013 a great year for you and your loved ones, so that next Christmas you can enjoy time off knowing that you are well on the way in your exciting journey.

Merry Christmas


1 comment:

  1. The mistake is in making resolutions in the first place. Resolutions rarely work.

    It's much better to have a few key goals that you want to achieve in the coming year.

    It then helps if your goals are realistic and not fanciful wishes.

    Finally, people need to get to know themselves. You have to figure out what really matters to you as an individual. What is it that motivates you.

    When you know this, it will make it much easier to achieve your goals.
