Monday 3 December 2012

The secret to success in 2013

How has 2012 been for you then? I trust you have been inspired by the awesome and progressive coalition government and their policies to help develop the economy and society as a whole? Fear not, if current trends continue we will have Ed Miliband the Great to rescue us from the shadows – God/Allah/Buddha etc help us!

Which is why instead of thinking about what the government might do for us in 2013, I am going to make this assumption: the government will do absolutely nothing that will REALLY benefit business in the UK next year.

Fortunately for us at Jasper’s Catering Franchise, the market in which we operate is robust and healthy. It is there for the taking, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have to work super hard, with passion, enthusiasm, drive and energy.

I do happen to know several people that will make a real difference themselves to their business in 2013 and they know secrets that the vast majority of people don’t.  Foremostly they know that the key to success lies within them, NOT out there with politicians or banks. They know that you can
B(*tch) M(oan) W(hine) all you want but it will not help your situation. The reality is you have to take FULL responsibility for the decisions you have or haven’t taken, the actions that you have or haven’t taken and deal, with them.

So if you really want to make sure that 2013 is your best year yet, think about everything that you should have or could have done in 2012 that would have gained more customers, kept more customers, increased your margin etc. Then turn those ‘should have’s’ into ‘I am going to’ and DO IT!

Bullet proofing your success is easy when you implement proven systems and processes, at the right persistent rate with the right attitude…. do this and you can compensate for any insufficient policy makers and money movers.

Happy Festive Greetings!

1 comment:

  1. It is true that all people want to get success in their business.To get success in business people should have to thinks about everything like good service, customer satisfaction, quality, cheap cost etc.

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